It’s really easy for me to tell you to do certain things to make sure you and your dog have a harmonious relationship, but the reality is not every dog/family/household fit under the same umbrella. I can advise and guide you, however each situation is unique. There are certain steps you can take to ensure your dog has an outlet for certain behaviours, however each dog will have their own ideas as to what they like or don’t like.
For example, some dogs will love the root chews with some pate smeared on, some will love a Yak chew, some will love a deer antler. The key to a harmonious relationship is knowing your dog and understanding what flavour they like and also what textures. Some will LOVE the root chews with venison pate, some will love a buffalo horn with rabbit pate. Whatever it is, the best thing to do is to try new things. Explore the world with your dog.
if you want a content happy and snoozing dog on a night, give them some things to try. Some new things. Licki mats with pate/peanut butter. An olive chew or even a beef trachea. Try it and see what happens.